Title: Audio Production for Virtual Media Creators

Client: UBC Extended Learning / edX.org

Category: Production + Postproduction Services / Animation / Motion Graphics

Technologies: After Effects, Photoshop, Blender, Premiere Pro

Work: 1 video promo, 11 video lectures

Developed and produced by renowned professor Dr. Patrick Parra Pennefather, Audio Production for Virtual Media Creators is a course designed for those interested in improving their knowledge of audio, digital audio workstations (DAW), and the effective use of a microphone to record, edit, playback and render their sounds. Students also learn the basics of looping sound files to create original music.

We had the opportunity to contribute to the project through the production of the promo video for the course, and by performing minor post-production work on Dr. Parra’s original videos to add additional titles and motion graphics.

If you are looking to improve your knowledge/experience in audio production for your social media videos, do yourself a favor and enroll in this course today!

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