Title: Human-Centered Design for Work at a Distance
Client: UBC Extended Learning / edX.org
Category: Production + Postproduction Services / Animation / Motion Graphics / Content Curation
Technologies: After Effects, Photoshop, Blender, Premiere Pro
Work: 1 video promo, 11 video lectures
Developed and produced by renowned professor Dr. Patrick Parra Pennefather, the Human-Centered Design for Work at a Distance certificate includes two courses (Toolbox Essentials + Prototype Solutions) designed for students to gain a foundational understanding of human-centered design concepts and strategies. Including rapid prototyping and iterative problem-solving, the courses use visual models to help generate and prototype tangible, innovative ideas, and improve collaboration with others.
We had the opportunity to contribute to the project through the production of the promo video for the course, and by performing minor/enhancing post-production work on Dr. Parra’s original videos to include additional titles and motion graphics.